How it works?

Welcome to FarmVox

Search for listings by entering a keyword and setting location filters, such as search distance and zip code

Home screen
View Listing

View listing details

Click on the listing for more info

  • Save it for easy viewing, or share it with friends and family.
  • Message the seller in-app for details, arrange pickup, and enjoy fresh finds.

Share your produce

Click on the camera button on the home screen to create a listing.

  • Add photos and add details including price and pick up location.
  • Don't want to sell? Not a problem! Just mark the listing as free and add details if you want to barter or simply give away.

Manage your account

Click the 'Account' tab on home screen to manage your account and listings

  • Edit your profile, i.e.. login, profile pic, etc. Add info about yourself so others know a bit more about you.
  • Manage your listings – edit, delete, or mark as sold.
  • Please feel free to contact me for any questions, feedback, or feature requests. I will get back to you, yes I'm a real person!"